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الملف التعريفي
تاريخ الانضمام: ٤ مارس ٢٠٢١
0 {count, plural، =0 {إعجابات مستلمة} =1 {إعجابات مستلمة} other {إعجابات مستلمة} }
0 {count, plural، =0 {تعليقات مستلمة} =1 {تعليق مستلم} other {تعليقات مستلمة} }
0 {count, plural، =0 {أفضل الإجابات} =1 {أفضل إجابة} other {أفضل الإجابات} }
I'm a twenty-something year old trying to find her way in to this industry. I've always wanted to have a role in the music industry. In undergrad I studied Public Relations with a Photography minor and a Music Busniess Certificate. During the pandemic, I started a Social Media Marketing Graduate Certificate through the University of Florida and I hope to bring the things I've learned through this program to help what I want to achieve in the Music Business. I've gotten a little side track over the last few years with my old job but now that I've been laid off I'm trying to find a new path for myself.
Megan Elizabeth
مزيد من الإجراءات
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